Honey bees play an essential role in our global food system. They are responsible for one-third of the foods we eat, including a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices. We would not be where we are now without our hard working honey bees, they pollinate a wide variety of plants that feed, …
Kratom Powder
Crushed Leaf Kratom Powder Fresh U.S. Grown Assorted Sizes
MIT Results
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Kratom Veins and Strains
What are Kratom veins and Strains? What does that mean when you see Red vein, Green Vein, and White? The Mitragyna Speciosa Tree is a tree that originated from south East Asia, with many benefits from energy for some people to relaxation or focus for others. Where do these claims come from? Most people when …
Kratom Plants grown in the US
Growing Kratom Trees in The U.S. Welcome to our website once again, we appreciate you stopping by to take a look at our company, and amazing trees we grow. All trees are grown 100% in Florida from little kratom plants hand selected from our very own genetics to large bountiful Kratom Trees. Every tree grown …
History of Kratom
How did Kratom get it’s name? The name Kratom originates from Thailand, and specifically it is derived from the Sanskrit word Kadam, with Sankskrit being a language that originated in India and is now spread across Southeast Asia It’s the primary liturgical language of Hinduism. Kadam refers to the Rubiaceae family of flowering plants. What …
About Us
We believe that helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person. Here at Miami Botany with nearly 300 acres that are designated for US grown kratom Trees, and over a decade of growing, and studying kratom we are currently the largest and oldest kratom …
Joint Venture Opportunities with Miami Botany Kratom
At Miami Botany we grow more than crops – we grow people. Our Agricultural Specialists have indicated their top priority is recruiting farmers who are looking for a more sustainable crop, and giving them the opportunity to invest in turning their land into a functional and profitable kratom farm this allows Florida family farms to …